Q&A with Pastor Eric Eurēn
Author of “Are You Being Robbed? 8 Essential Keys to Reclaim your God-given Purpose”
Why did you decide to write this book?
This book has been twelve years in the making. Having been raised by a Pentecostal mom and Lutheran dad, I have experienced first-hand the spectrum of the body of Christ. As I transitioned from a career in architecture to full-time ministry, I began to see how the majority of Christians are woefully unprepared for the things to come. I went before the Lord in prayer to seek direction. The direction I received was to write this book covering the eight key essentials every Christian needs to be fully equipped, not only for survival, but to be a blessing and accomplish the perfect will of God in the days ahead. |
You talk a lot about “identity theft” in the book, but that’s not about credit cards. Talk about what you mean.
In 2018, I was asked to speak before the California State Senate on Bill 179 regarding the right of a person to choose whatever gender they wanted on their driver’s license. God made gender identity quite simple. In my opinion, this reprogramming of society to accept non-gender specific identity is paving the way for the mark of the beast by removing moral objections to introducing genetic modifications to humans. This is just another way that Satan —the robber—seeks to steal people away from God and mold them into a perverted image. But gender isn’t the only way people are becoming deceived about who they are and who they are made to be. Ultimately, our identity determines our destination. And just as our identification issued by the government gives us certain rights and privileges so does our spiritual identification.
You discuss the five callings of believers. Why do some people understand their calling and others don’t? Do all Christians fall into one of these five? Why or why not?
When God says my people perish for lack of knowledge, the knowledge He is referring to is the knowledge of the word of God. All Christians fall under one of the five callings, and all are essential to the body of Christ. You can actually see the same five callings play out in the structure of corporations. Instead of recognizing and embracing these callings, churches have allowed themselves to focus on one or two and leave the rest, thus dividing the body into all kinds of denominations and sub-denominations. This is another way we are allowing the robber to take away the gifts God intended all believers to have. Instead, we have allowed these callings to divide us.
In 2018, I was asked to speak before the California State Senate on Bill 179 regarding the right of a person to choose whatever gender they wanted on their driver’s license. God made gender identity quite simple. In my opinion, this reprogramming of society to accept non-gender specific identity is paving the way for the mark of the beast by removing moral objections to introducing genetic modifications to humans. This is just another way that Satan —the robber—seeks to steal people away from God and mold them into a perverted image. But gender isn’t the only way people are becoming deceived about who they are and who they are made to be. Ultimately, our identity determines our destination. And just as our identification issued by the government gives us certain rights and privileges so does our spiritual identification.
You discuss the five callings of believers. Why do some people understand their calling and others don’t? Do all Christians fall into one of these five? Why or why not?
When God says my people perish for lack of knowledge, the knowledge He is referring to is the knowledge of the word of God. All Christians fall under one of the five callings, and all are essential to the body of Christ. You can actually see the same five callings play out in the structure of corporations. Instead of recognizing and embracing these callings, churches have allowed themselves to focus on one or two and leave the rest, thus dividing the body into all kinds of denominations and sub-denominations. This is another way we are allowing the robber to take away the gifts God intended all believers to have. Instead, we have allowed these callings to divide us.
You talk about hearing God’s voice. Is that possible?
Jesus told us that “His sheep hear His voice.” There are generally five steps to listening for God’s voice: have an available heart, be humble, pay attention, be still and quiet, and take time. We have a whole generation of people who can’t hear God for all the other noise in their lives. The robber is just fine with that because as long as he is occupying their ears with other things, they will never hear God speak into their lives. Others think they hear from God, but they are really hearing themselves or the world instead. God’s voice will always agree with Scripture, it will be confirmed by proceeding events, it will be accompanied by peace in our spirits, and it will be confirmed by other believers. God will meet you where you are when you hearken to His voice.
You also emphasize that we should know the will of God, but you say that God’s will actually works in three different ways. Can you explain?
The bible seems to indicate that God’s will works in three ways: sovereign will; permissive will; and perfect will. God’s sovereign will is His eternal, foreordained plan and purpose that cannot and will not be prevented. God’s permissive will is His will regarding principles and precepts He has given to us concerning morality. God’s commands for us not to murder or steal, for example. It is permissive only because we have the ability to choose against that will. God’s perfect will is really about His personal guidance in our lives. This is where listening for His voice is so important. His perfect will may sometimes include hardships. But even in those, we will be refined through the process, and the outcome will be for our betterment.
You are not a fan of “seeker-friendly” churches. Why is that?
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit comes to convict believers of sin. Yet, many churches don’t want to talk about sin or hell for fear of offending people. Seeker-friendly churches want to talk about worldly love, experiential encounters, and positive affirmations. Jesus talked more about hell than heaven because He loved us so much, He didn’t want us going there! In my opinion, the seeker-friendly church model is man-inspired and totally foolish. It is prideful to think we know better than God.
There is a sense of urgency about your book. Why is that?
In my studies of eschatology, all of the signs pointing to Christ’s eminent return are in play right now. The Lord gave me a series of prophetic dreams 15 years ago, half of which have now come true. Between the timing of my dreams and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, the majority of the body of Christ it’s completely unprepared for the things to come on the horizon. The urgency I have in my heart is to reach the lost for Jesus Christ and to equip the body of Christ so that they are prepared.
Jesus told us that “His sheep hear His voice.” There are generally five steps to listening for God’s voice: have an available heart, be humble, pay attention, be still and quiet, and take time. We have a whole generation of people who can’t hear God for all the other noise in their lives. The robber is just fine with that because as long as he is occupying their ears with other things, they will never hear God speak into their lives. Others think they hear from God, but they are really hearing themselves or the world instead. God’s voice will always agree with Scripture, it will be confirmed by proceeding events, it will be accompanied by peace in our spirits, and it will be confirmed by other believers. God will meet you where you are when you hearken to His voice.
You also emphasize that we should know the will of God, but you say that God’s will actually works in three different ways. Can you explain?
The bible seems to indicate that God’s will works in three ways: sovereign will; permissive will; and perfect will. God’s sovereign will is His eternal, foreordained plan and purpose that cannot and will not be prevented. God’s permissive will is His will regarding principles and precepts He has given to us concerning morality. God’s commands for us not to murder or steal, for example. It is permissive only because we have the ability to choose against that will. God’s perfect will is really about His personal guidance in our lives. This is where listening for His voice is so important. His perfect will may sometimes include hardships. But even in those, we will be refined through the process, and the outcome will be for our betterment.
You are not a fan of “seeker-friendly” churches. Why is that?
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit comes to convict believers of sin. Yet, many churches don’t want to talk about sin or hell for fear of offending people. Seeker-friendly churches want to talk about worldly love, experiential encounters, and positive affirmations. Jesus talked more about hell than heaven because He loved us so much, He didn’t want us going there! In my opinion, the seeker-friendly church model is man-inspired and totally foolish. It is prideful to think we know better than God.
There is a sense of urgency about your book. Why is that?
In my studies of eschatology, all of the signs pointing to Christ’s eminent return are in play right now. The Lord gave me a series of prophetic dreams 15 years ago, half of which have now come true. Between the timing of my dreams and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, the majority of the body of Christ it’s completely unprepared for the things to come on the horizon. The urgency I have in my heart is to reach the lost for Jesus Christ and to equip the body of Christ so that they are prepared.
About Eric Eurēn:Eric Eurēn is the founder of Everlasting Ministries, pastor of Riverside Christian Church in Roseville, California, and was the Senior Associate of the U.S. National Prayer Council. With a background in theoretical physics, he teaches apologetics and eschatology in addition to being a certified chaplain and Biblical counselor. He has produced feature films as well as television and web-based shows. For more information visit https://areyoubeingrobbed.org.