"What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself."
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Stats about the Christian consumer:
- 41 million faith-driven consumers spend over $2 trillion dollars annually.
- 23% of Americans spend $25 or more PER MONTH on religious products.
- In 2014, more than 52 million religious book titles were sold in the U.S, representing an increase of over 10.5% from the prior year. Comparing this to the 2.4% increase for the overall book market, religion is outperforming the market as a whole (Nielsen).
- THE BIBLE mini-series on the History Channel was the #1 cable telecast of the year for 2013.
- The LEFT BEHIND book series has sold more than 50 million copies. The PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE non-fiction book by Pastor Rick Warren is the best-selling hardcover in U.S. history (2nd only to the Bible).
- 43% of Americans attend church or synagogue each week, approximately 130 million people.
"It's hard to imagine how 140 million consumers constitute a niche."
--T.D. Jakes, producer of "Heaven is For Real" movie