Q&A with Chuck Mason, MDiv
Author of “How Do I Talk to My Kids about Social Justice?"
Q: In your opinion, how are churches handling all the woke culture issues? What do you wish every church leader or youth pastor knew about these issues?
A: From my experience, pastors and churches have avoided addressing woke culture for a variety of reasons. Pastors are reluctant to engage because they don’t have the resources they need. The ideas of wokeism are complex and nearly impossible to understand if you don’t have some education to explain their origins. Pastors also risk controversy and conflict among their flock if they tackle these issues from the pulpit or in Christian education programs. Most congregations have a diversity of viewpoints, and Christians sympathetic to woke narratives will defend them. I’ve had countless conversations with church leaders who admit they don’t want to engage because they aren’t equipped and don’t want to risk splitting their congregations. Most hoped this would be a fad, while others have fully embraced woke culture. As woke culture advances, it’s directly impacting congregations and their families, forcing pastors to accept the need to engage, and a small number are beginning to tackle these issues head-on. Church leaders need to know this for certain: woke culture isn’t going anywhere soon, and it’s devastating our children and congregations. The recent Barna surveys confirm that two-thirds of our teenagers in conservative churches are walking away from God when they leave home for college and careers. When asked why they walk, their answers directly reflect the influence of woke narratives. A Gallup poll from June of this year shows that only 31 percent of Americans attended a religious survey last week. This includes all services from Muslim to Christian Science, which means the number attending a conservative Bible-believing church is frighteningly low. This is only the beginning, and churches can no longer stay silent and disengaged. We are called to stand for truth and righteousness, which requires active engagement.
Q: How can parents combat these issues with their children?
A: It’s critical to have a legitimate conversation with your kids, not an agenda. The questions I suggest in the book are designed to help children consider the failures of the ideology they are being taught in schools. I want to help kids come to their own logical conclusions about these ideas. For example, I will ask them: if someone feels as if they are an animal and they want to be treated as an animal, should everyone go along with that delusion? I haven’t had anyone say yes to that concept. Another such question might be: If we define gender based on feelings, then how about race? Is it okay for someone to identify as black based on their feelings and then ask for affirmative action preferences for a job? Questions frame the failures of these ideas in a way that kids understand without making them feel defensive. But you must take them to that place with strategic questions so they can learn to think for themselves and move beyond feelings. In the end, truth always wins.
A: From my experience, pastors and churches have avoided addressing woke culture for a variety of reasons. Pastors are reluctant to engage because they don’t have the resources they need. The ideas of wokeism are complex and nearly impossible to understand if you don’t have some education to explain their origins. Pastors also risk controversy and conflict among their flock if they tackle these issues from the pulpit or in Christian education programs. Most congregations have a diversity of viewpoints, and Christians sympathetic to woke narratives will defend them. I’ve had countless conversations with church leaders who admit they don’t want to engage because they aren’t equipped and don’t want to risk splitting their congregations. Most hoped this would be a fad, while others have fully embraced woke culture. As woke culture advances, it’s directly impacting congregations and their families, forcing pastors to accept the need to engage, and a small number are beginning to tackle these issues head-on. Church leaders need to know this for certain: woke culture isn’t going anywhere soon, and it’s devastating our children and congregations. The recent Barna surveys confirm that two-thirds of our teenagers in conservative churches are walking away from God when they leave home for college and careers. When asked why they walk, their answers directly reflect the influence of woke narratives. A Gallup poll from June of this year shows that only 31 percent of Americans attended a religious survey last week. This includes all services from Muslim to Christian Science, which means the number attending a conservative Bible-believing church is frighteningly low. This is only the beginning, and churches can no longer stay silent and disengaged. We are called to stand for truth and righteousness, which requires active engagement.
Q: How can parents combat these issues with their children?
A: It’s critical to have a legitimate conversation with your kids, not an agenda. The questions I suggest in the book are designed to help children consider the failures of the ideology they are being taught in schools. I want to help kids come to their own logical conclusions about these ideas. For example, I will ask them: if someone feels as if they are an animal and they want to be treated as an animal, should everyone go along with that delusion? I haven’t had anyone say yes to that concept. Another such question might be: If we define gender based on feelings, then how about race? Is it okay for someone to identify as black based on their feelings and then ask for affirmative action preferences for a job? Questions frame the failures of these ideas in a way that kids understand without making them feel defensive. But you must take them to that place with strategic questions so they can learn to think for themselves and move beyond feelings. In the end, truth always wins.
Q: You talk about the woke culture being part of the postmodern movement that has been around for several decades. Why is it important for parents to recognize that correlation?
A: The postmodern movement and woke culture work to achieve the same goal of radically transforming America. They see America as a failed, oppressive society that must be deconstructed and then reordered to achieve fairness, tolerance, and freedom from the Judeo-Christian worldview. Although their attacks begin from different starting points, their efforts complement each other. The postmodern movement argued that the foundations of American society were corrupt. They believe the country’s founders relied on the failed beliefs that truth, rational thought, and Judeo-Christian principles were the ultimate standards. They believe people used these lies to gain power and privileged advantage in society. Woke culture relies on Marxist critical theory to argue that America relies upon exploitation and victimization to provide the same privileged advantages at the expense of marginalized communities. They believe these sources of exploitation create the inequalities of income, wealth, race, gender, and the exclusion of the LGBTQ community. They cite these persistent inequalities as irrefutable evidence that American society is irredeemable and must be deconstructed and radically transformed. Each movement approaches their criticism differently but achieves a similar outcome—influencing Americans to embrace a new worldview that leads to the radical transformation of America. As postmodernity and woke culture work towards a common goal, this alarming trend will only continue unless Christians begin to engage in the culture war.
Q: You say in the book that children are being indoctrinated in two main ways. Can you elaborate?
A: Progressives who embrace the ideas of postmodernity and woke culture make no effort to hide their desire to radically transform every heart and mind in America, and they are starting with our kids. At early ages, our kids are being taught that the world is best served when the post-truth reliance on feelings and emotions determines reality. The tenants of Marxism are being taught as the guide for their moral choices. They want every child in America to embrace this worldview, and they’re indoctrinating them to achieve that goal. Critical race theory (CRT), the Transgender ideology, and Cancel Culture are primary expressions of this worldview. When schools allow these ideologies to dominate classrooms, they present one view as the definitive paradigm to the exclusion of all others, which is classic indoctrination. Kids are encouraged to interpret the world through their emotions instead of critical thinking. They are taught that if they feel something is real, then it is real, regardless of whether facts and logic demonstrate that their feelings don’t conform to reality. This view drives the transgender movement—if someone biologically male feels they are a woman, then they are a woman regardless of the facts of biology. Kids are taught to accept this post-truth perspective without question. Students are taught if they believe the “mythical” facts of biology and the Biblical “stereotypes” of male and female as the only acceptable criteria to define gender, they are denying a person’s right to the gender of their choice. They are taught that denying this right is intolerance, hatred, transphobia, and oppression against the LGBTQ community. This is the oppressor/oppressed narrative of social Marxism. As kids embrace these ideological positions, they unknowingly embrace this worldview and are a part of the strategy to transform America.
A: The postmodern movement and woke culture work to achieve the same goal of radically transforming America. They see America as a failed, oppressive society that must be deconstructed and then reordered to achieve fairness, tolerance, and freedom from the Judeo-Christian worldview. Although their attacks begin from different starting points, their efforts complement each other. The postmodern movement argued that the foundations of American society were corrupt. They believe the country’s founders relied on the failed beliefs that truth, rational thought, and Judeo-Christian principles were the ultimate standards. They believe people used these lies to gain power and privileged advantage in society. Woke culture relies on Marxist critical theory to argue that America relies upon exploitation and victimization to provide the same privileged advantages at the expense of marginalized communities. They believe these sources of exploitation create the inequalities of income, wealth, race, gender, and the exclusion of the LGBTQ community. They cite these persistent inequalities as irrefutable evidence that American society is irredeemable and must be deconstructed and radically transformed. Each movement approaches their criticism differently but achieves a similar outcome—influencing Americans to embrace a new worldview that leads to the radical transformation of America. As postmodernity and woke culture work towards a common goal, this alarming trend will only continue unless Christians begin to engage in the culture war.
Q: You say in the book that children are being indoctrinated in two main ways. Can you elaborate?
A: Progressives who embrace the ideas of postmodernity and woke culture make no effort to hide their desire to radically transform every heart and mind in America, and they are starting with our kids. At early ages, our kids are being taught that the world is best served when the post-truth reliance on feelings and emotions determines reality. The tenants of Marxism are being taught as the guide for their moral choices. They want every child in America to embrace this worldview, and they’re indoctrinating them to achieve that goal. Critical race theory (CRT), the Transgender ideology, and Cancel Culture are primary expressions of this worldview. When schools allow these ideologies to dominate classrooms, they present one view as the definitive paradigm to the exclusion of all others, which is classic indoctrination. Kids are encouraged to interpret the world through their emotions instead of critical thinking. They are taught that if they feel something is real, then it is real, regardless of whether facts and logic demonstrate that their feelings don’t conform to reality. This view drives the transgender movement—if someone biologically male feels they are a woman, then they are a woman regardless of the facts of biology. Kids are taught to accept this post-truth perspective without question. Students are taught if they believe the “mythical” facts of biology and the Biblical “stereotypes” of male and female as the only acceptable criteria to define gender, they are denying a person’s right to the gender of their choice. They are taught that denying this right is intolerance, hatred, transphobia, and oppression against the LGBTQ community. This is the oppressor/oppressed narrative of social Marxism. As kids embrace these ideological positions, they unknowingly embrace this worldview and are a part of the strategy to transform America.
Q: Your book takes on all the hot-button issues, including Drag Queen Story Hour and CRT. Most parents have no clue why all this is occurring. Can you help us understand?
A: Most Christians and conservatives are entirely unaware that we’re experiencing a major philosophical revolution that’s completely reordering the intellectual landscape of America. Since these changes happen gradually over time, most people are unaware until the world changes around them. The postmodern movement caused a quiet yet devastating intellectual revolution, causing more and more people to abandon traditional America’s fundamental principles. The hot-button issues of Drag Queen Story Hour and CRT develop from the post-truth Marxist worldview at the heart of their vision as political theory escapes ivory towers to run free in society. Parents have no clue; they want to live each day and have the world remain the same. But revolutionary ideas aren’t so kind. The ideas people use to define the foundations of their society are subject to change; they’re never fixed. Philosophical revolutions are recorded throughout history. When these ideas change the hearts and minds of people, people change their society to conform to their beliefs. We’ve been very fortunate in America to have had nearly 200 years of agreement about the Judeo-Christian foundations of society. But no society is immune, and we’re experiencing a revolution in ideas today. That’s the critical point parents and pastors need to understand: LGBTQ, CRT, and Cancel Culture are symptoms of the changes, and we need to be as concerned and informed about the revolution that’s creating these ideologies as the ideologies themselves.
Q: Your book discusses the origins of Marxism and how it is really the glue holding all the woke culture issues together. Why is this so dangerous?
A: Marxism is the deadliest ideology the modern world has ever known, killing tens of millions who refused to comply in Marxist nations like the Soviet Union and China. Yet, it has a tremendous appeal to those who have left the Church and are searching for a spiritual replacement. The Marxist social justice movement has parallels to Christianity. It presents a theory for the cause of human suffering and provides a pathway to salvation that leads to a utopian heaven-on-earth existence. It has its moral code and provides hope for atheists and agnostics who have none in a world of nihilism. It has the form of Godliness but lacks its power (2 Timothy 3:5) as it denies the fundamental truths of the Gospel to settle on human alternatives for the answers we seek. The social justice movement allows them to have spiritual values without following God. Younger generations, including our Christian kids, find this incredibly appealing as they search for a replacement for the Christianity they left behind. That’s why it’s important that parents get equipped to protect their children. We’re watching one of the most destructive ideologies capture the hearts and minds of America. We have been complacent for too long and given up too much cultural ground. We must do more than voice our outrage. We need to start running for school boards and organizing parent groups if we want to make a difference.
A: Most Christians and conservatives are entirely unaware that we’re experiencing a major philosophical revolution that’s completely reordering the intellectual landscape of America. Since these changes happen gradually over time, most people are unaware until the world changes around them. The postmodern movement caused a quiet yet devastating intellectual revolution, causing more and more people to abandon traditional America’s fundamental principles. The hot-button issues of Drag Queen Story Hour and CRT develop from the post-truth Marxist worldview at the heart of their vision as political theory escapes ivory towers to run free in society. Parents have no clue; they want to live each day and have the world remain the same. But revolutionary ideas aren’t so kind. The ideas people use to define the foundations of their society are subject to change; they’re never fixed. Philosophical revolutions are recorded throughout history. When these ideas change the hearts and minds of people, people change their society to conform to their beliefs. We’ve been very fortunate in America to have had nearly 200 years of agreement about the Judeo-Christian foundations of society. But no society is immune, and we’re experiencing a revolution in ideas today. That’s the critical point parents and pastors need to understand: LGBTQ, CRT, and Cancel Culture are symptoms of the changes, and we need to be as concerned and informed about the revolution that’s creating these ideologies as the ideologies themselves.
Q: Your book discusses the origins of Marxism and how it is really the glue holding all the woke culture issues together. Why is this so dangerous?
A: Marxism is the deadliest ideology the modern world has ever known, killing tens of millions who refused to comply in Marxist nations like the Soviet Union and China. Yet, it has a tremendous appeal to those who have left the Church and are searching for a spiritual replacement. The Marxist social justice movement has parallels to Christianity. It presents a theory for the cause of human suffering and provides a pathway to salvation that leads to a utopian heaven-on-earth existence. It has its moral code and provides hope for atheists and agnostics who have none in a world of nihilism. It has the form of Godliness but lacks its power (2 Timothy 3:5) as it denies the fundamental truths of the Gospel to settle on human alternatives for the answers we seek. The social justice movement allows them to have spiritual values without following God. Younger generations, including our Christian kids, find this incredibly appealing as they search for a replacement for the Christianity they left behind. That’s why it’s important that parents get equipped to protect their children. We’re watching one of the most destructive ideologies capture the hearts and minds of America. We have been complacent for too long and given up too much cultural ground. We must do more than voice our outrage. We need to start running for school boards and organizing parent groups if we want to make a difference.
About Chuck Mason:
Chuck Mason (MDiv) is a seminary graduate, podcast host, and author of the book, How Do I Talk to My Kids about Social Justice? After studying postmodern philosophy at Fuller Theological Seminary, he dedicated his intellectual life to battling society's postmodern destruction. He is an accomplished public speaker presenting forums on critical race theory, LGBTQ, and cancel culture to federal and state legislators, pastors, churches, and parents. His podcast, Battleground Ideas, discusses the impact of Marxism on faith, culture, and politics. Visit https://www.battlegroundideas.com for more information.